launch of a promo site

Competent launch of a promo site

Unlike regular or deployed resources, the promo site is small. Often all the necessary information can fit on several pages, but more often it is placed on one. Such a site always has a bright and memorable design, simple intuitive navigation and a minimum of all kinds of bells and whistles. Usually, promotional sites are used as a temporary resource and do not pretend to be updated regularly.

The main task of a promo site is an application for the start of a new brand, its promotion or advertising. Since the resource is simple, its use as a company’s image tool will be less costly than launching a full-fledged resource. The most important thing is the appearance that will attract users. Usually such pages are full of all kinds of graphic solutions, multimedia inserts and other memorable materials.

The text requirements for such sites are not high. Usually, a strict style is not required, but, on the contrary, preference will be given to simple, friendly, even humorous statements. Tests should not overload the user with information. And only in a light, easy way to acquaint him with the proposed product.

Basically, a promo site serves as a bright application for a new product on the market. So, for example, it can be an excellent solution for online stores, which have a small number of products in their assortment or which have just started their activity. It will also be useful for large companies that have a large turnover and need a separate advertising site to present a new brand or product.

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