post an article announcement on thematic forums

Is it effective to post an article announcement on thematic forums

Surely, many of you announce your news on various forums, for example, in the section: Blogosphere Digest. In the process, you watch, analyze traffic, traffic, number of comments, and the atmosphere on the forum. After analyzing most of the popular forums on the topic: SEO, making money on the Internet, you will notice that none of them has its own uniqueness. Absolutely in all forums, in the digest section of the blogosphere, the same people publish their articles. Most of them are too lazy to even write a different announcement for different forums. The question is brewing, why then, we need this pseudo variety of forums, if they have the same main factor in the popularity of users. Why so many forums, if the article just written is immediately announced to everyone? Where, then, is the highlight of the forum, the unique atmosphere, and interesting people. But very often, one person can be the moderator of several popular forums in one niche.

Is it effective to post an article announcement on thematic forums

One could close our eyes to this, if not for one BUT. All this same audience with the same posts is simply killing the chances of young, and possibly promising forums. After all, when a user announces an article on the forum, he first of all looks at its attendance, because he needs transitions. And young forums have little attendance. And in choosing between a popular forum and a young one, the user will always choose the first.

What conclusions can be drawn from this?

  1. All forums are the same. All forums are one big trash can of announcements and accordions, differing only in attendance. It’s the same for all. You can go to talk, for example. maulnet and see the same thing there as on the armadabard, then go to webmasters and see nothing new there.
  2. Young forums simply don’t stand a chance. Even such a successful startup as the webmasters had did not allow them to develop to the level of having their own audience.
  3. Try to choose one forum for yourself and communicate on it. This will be more beneficial than communication in all forums, since, on one, you will be recognized, asked for advice, and respected. And if at all, then you will be an ordinary user, whose opinion is rarely considered.
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