Is there a pill that makes people younger? Aging is one of the most common concerns of our contemporaries! Whether it is the aging of the skin, the brain, or all of our bodily abilities, we actively strive to keep all of our natural physiological functions in good working order for as long as possible. If we cannot turn back the clock to achieve eternal youth, we can take action every day to limit the effects of aging. Biological aging is more than just the wear and tear of cells and tissues. Unlike a car or a computer, the age clock ticks mercilessly in every human body and at some point says: it is all over. Scientists have figured out how to read this age clock, now they want to turn it – technical progress will help them with this!
Now we know quite a lot about the regulation at the level of metabolism, energy, and so on. One of the interesting areas is aging associated with stem cell aging. Aging is a very complex process, and stem cells are one of such process factors. According to the theory of stem cell aging, the number of such cells does not decrease with age, but their activity decreases. Due to the decrease in this activity, tissue aging occurs. The practical question is whether, in some way, these old stem cells can be reactivated so that they begin to work again as young ones.
The Man Who Lives Forever and Who Does Not Die – That Is on This Earth
Some tech and internet companies are looking for miracle anti-aging pills. The fight against death is a dream for some, a nightmare for others. Miracle pill for the ailments of old age? Nothing seems impossible anymore. All of a sudden, aging research is booming. Doctors, insurance companies and politicians are optimistic for so-called gerontology. In many laboratories, researchers are experimenting with active substances that interfere with the clock of life and aim to act on the root of aging. Various substances slow down the natural aging process and promise not only a longer life, but also better health in old age. Thanks to advances in high-tech medicine, people are living longer: Life expectancy has more than doubled in the past 130 years. However, since evolution has only optimized humans for their reproductive lifespan up to about 40 years, age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, and joint damage increase after that. With each year of life gained, the phase of suffering and withering continues to lengthen.
What Is the Advantage of Technology in Longevity and Aging?
Through technology, an anti-wrinkle cream has been developed, which has many anti-wrinkle creams on the market. In fact, most only improve the effect of self-awareness and cannot properly caress the skin. However, creams can help prevent wrinkles as they moisturize the surface of the skin and thus protect it from environmental stressors. For a proper anti-aging effect, it’s important that day creams always contain a sun protection factor.

The unusual concentration of healthy older people has attracted scientists hoping to unravel the mystery of longevity. The low dose of the hormone adrenomedullin in the blood of the inhabitants is striking. LPG endermology also stimulates cell renewal and can therefore help against wrinkles. The LPG endermology technique is suitable for people with sensitive skin, as it doesn’t work with chemicals. The LPG technique is especially recommended for body toning. It strengthens the connective tissue and provides a firm stomach, strong thighs and a firm butt.
Some Risks
The risk of falling for the elderly increases every year, and almost always ends in severe bone injury and a long recovery. One of the most common injuries is a hip fracture in women, which often means the loss of the ability to walk. Israeli developers from the company have created a device that can protect the bones of the thighs and pelvis in the event of a fall. Externally, the device resembles a conventional belt with a built-in multi-sensor system. It can recognize the likelihood of a person falling and “shoots” with two large airbags that form protective rollers on the hips. Through a special application from a smartphone, an inciden t notification is immediately sent to specified people from the contact list. The device also has a button for calling for help, which the user can activate at any time if he feels helpless. According to the results of testing, the system reduces the risk of bone damage in a fall by 90%.
It is generally accepted that older people should not drive a car due to health problems and distracted attention. ‘Shortly, this issue can be resolved thanks to the spread of intelligent autonomous driving systems. Many global manufacturers of vehicles and control systems are already making attempts to implement this technology. A key element of autonomous driving is up-to-date and accurate maps. The system is installed on the car and collects data about the surrounding space while driving. The received information is analyzed by artificial intelligence and integrated with the indicators of the satellite system.

Recently, a large number of development companies have appeared that create portable devices for assessing the state of the body and express diagnostics. They produce small devices that allow you to measure heart rate, pressure, body temperature, blood oxygen saturation, and even metabolic rate in real-time.
Bottom Line
Increasing life expectancy is one of our most significant collective achievements. The increase in life expectancy reflects progress in social and economic development, as well as in the field of health, in particular our success in the fight against deadly childhood diseases, maternal mortality, and, more recently, mortality in old age. Good health allows you to live life to the fullest. The opportunities is in on with increased life expectancy depend to a large extent on healthy aging. People who have these extra years of life accompanied by good health and who continue to actively participate in family and community life will contribute to strengthening the community.