Where to order a website

Where to order a website: in a company or from a freelancer

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine modern business without an official website on the Internet. Every self-respecting company at one time or another realizes that their further development is impossible without creating a website, and it is then that the management will have to make a choice where to order website development: from a large company that has been successfully creating and promoting websites for several years, or refer to the relevant sites, where the profiles of various freelancers are presented. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of choosing a website developer.

Let’s say that you have chosen a company in your city as a contractor and, having arrived at their office, began to analyze the main points that should be paid attention to when developing a site: corporate identity, logos, fonts, and so on. After talking with the developer, designer and copywriters, an agreement will be drawn up with you, where the main agreements between the parties will be spelled out.

Of course, the disadvantage of ordering a website from a company is the cost, since all the work takes place on official papers and the developers pay tax to the state from your pocket, by indicating a larger amount in the check for payment. The advantage of this method of website creation is direct contact with each of the team members who are involved in the development of your website.

If you are going to create your website with the help of a freelancer, be patient and as detailed as possible when drawing up a technical assignment. You must register everything, everything, everything that you want to see on the site, up to the favicon – so that later it does not turn out that the created site does not completely satisfy you. In addition to the sites where freelancers are located, you can find personal sites for freelancers.

Freelance payments should either be split into parts, i.e. when performing a certain amount of work, a person receives the N-th amount of money, when performing the next – the next, and so on. You should not completely transfer all the money for creating a website – you run the risk of being left not only without money, but also without a website.

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